walk quietly / ts’ekw’unshun kws qututhun

screenshot-2023-07-30-at-9.07.02-am-1walk quietly / ts’ekw’unshun kws qututhun is a community-guided walk located at the end of River Road West in Ladner, British Columbia. It tells the story of Hwlhits’um (Brunswick Point / Canoe Pass) from the diverse and complex perspectives of scientists, artists, and Indigenous Peoples. Curated by Amy-Claire Huestis and Kim Trainor, the walk links specific spots on the dike trail at Hwlhits’um to the many contributions found on this website. Follow the trail and listen, watch, and learn about this special place. The entire project, including a PDF booklet, can be found at: walkquietly.ca

Hwlhits’um | signs (poster)My poetry film Hwlhits’um | signs, created with the collaboration of the Hwlitsum First Nation and musician/composer Hazel Fairbairn, documents the impact of colonization on the Fraser estuary.